Exile [03]

Munich and Washington Heights

Installation View „Places of Exile [03] Munich and Washington Heights“ © Franz Kimmel

Exile [03]

Munich and Washington Heights

Places of Exile [03]
Munich and Washington Heights

The third exhibition in the series “Places of Exile” takes us to the New York neighborhood of Washington Heights, that became a center of German-Jewish emigration in the late 1930s. In 1940, emigrants from southern Germany founded the Jewish congregation “Beth Hillel” together with Dr. Leo Baerwald, the last rabbi of the main synagogue in Munich which was destroyed in 1939.

The exhibition “Munich and Washington Heights” provides an introduction to this district in New York popular with emigrants and traces the history of the synagogue congregation and its members.

Places of Exile [03]
Munich and Washington Heights

The third exhibition in the series “Places of Exile” takes us to the New York neighborhood of Washington Heights, that became a center of German-Jewish emigration in the late 1930s. In 1940, emigrants from southern Germany founded the Jewish congregation “Beth Hillel” together with Dr. Leo Baerwald, the last rabbi of the main synagogue in Munich which was destroyed in 1939.

The exhibition “Munich and Washington Heights” provides an introduction to this district in New York popular with emigrants and traces the history of the synagogue congregation and its members.

Duration of exhibition

June 17 - August 30, 2009


Celia Bergoffen
Bernhard Purin


Architect Martin Kohlbauer, Vienna

Installation View „Places of Exile [03] Munich and Washington Heights“ © Franz Kimmel
Installation View „Places of Exile [03] Munich and Washington Heights“ © Franz Kimmel
Installation View „Places of Exile [03] Munich and Washington Heights“ © Franz Kimmel
Installation View „Places of Exile [03] Munich and Washington Heights“ © Franz Kimmel


Die Begleitbroschüre zur Ausstellung zum kostenfreien Download



Anhand von historischen und aktuellen Fotografien kann man sich ein gutes Bild von Washington Heights machen.




Abendzeitung, 17. Juni 2009

Die dritte und letzte Ausstellung des Jüdischen Museums München in der Reihe »Orte des Exils« begibt sich im New Yorker Stadtteil Washington Heights auf Spurensuche.






Süddeutsche Zeitung, 17. Juni 2009

Die Schau präsentiert wenige Objekte, doch tut das ihrer Eindrücklichkeit keinen Abbruch.


Augsburger Allgemeine, 24. Juni 2009
Ein Museum der Landeshauptstadt München