Twelve Months—Twelve Names

50 Years Olympic Massacre Munich
Commemorating the victims of the Munich Massacre
Poster campaign
The 50th anniversary of the terrorist attack during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich falls in 2022. To commemorate the twelve people killed, institutions in Munich and Fürstenfeldbruck are remembering a different victim, his life and fate, each month throughout the year.
Outdoor installation to commemorate the victims of the Munich Massacre
In October, “Twelve Months—Twelve Names” remembers the fencing coach Andrei Spitzer, one of the twelve victims murdered in the Munich Massacre at the 1972 Summer Olympics, with an outdoor installation on billboards and municipal flagpoles on Gärtnerplatz.
The motifs seen in the poster installation have been designed by pupils of the Berufsschule für Farbe und Gestaltung (Vocational School for Color and Design). They are intended to keep memories alive, to anchor the lessons learned from the events of 1972 in the minds of those living in Munich, and to encourage people to take a stand against violence and intolerance.
Commemoration Project
Twelve Months – Twelve Names
50 Years Olympic Massacre Munich
50 years after the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, the victims of the Munich Massacre are being commemorated throughout 2022. One month is dedicated to each of the victims who are remembered in a variety of ways. These commemorative initiatives are being held in different venues and realized by a number of cultural and educational institutions, such as the Historischer Verein Fürstenfeldbruck e.V., the Deutsches Theater, the Munich Police Headquarters, and other cooperation partners. The spectrum varies from art installations to commemorative tournaments and school class projects.
This commemoration project has been conceived and coordinated by the Jewish Museum Munich in conjunction with the Munich Documentation Centre for the History of National Socialism and the Consulate General of the State of Israel.
The Jewish Museum Munich is also accompanying the commemoration project on its blog and its social media channels under the hashtag #MunichMassacre72.
On advertising spaces in Munich
An outdoor installation of the “Initiative Schulterschluss” and the Berufsschule für Farbe und Gestaltung, sponsored by the Stiftung Hubert Beck.