Picture Stories

Portraits of Munich Jews

Title motif of the exhibition: Portrait of Margarethe Born, Hugo von Habermann, 1895 (Detail). Photo: Franz Kimmel, Design: Haller & Haller (line pattern threaded in yellow tones), © Jewish Museum Munich

Picture Stories

Portraits of Munich Jews

May 15, 2024 – March 2nd, 2025 | Levels 1 and 2

Picture Stories. Portraits of Munich Jews

The Exhibition Ausstellung

A boy in a sailor suit, a lady in a beret and with huge puffed sleeves, a rabbi with an open prayer book. In its exhibition entitled “Picture Stories. Portraits of Munich Jews,” the Jewish Museum Munich shows wellknown and forgotten faces and asks: Who had their portrait painted by whom? How did they want to be seen? What kind of person did they want to represent?

Visits to studios formed part of the self-image of Munich’s bourgeoisie to which Jews also belonged from the middle of the 19th century onward. Their portraits tell of their contribution to municipal society as well as of the long path to emancipation and their struggle to be seen. The exhibition traces the stories behind some 40 portraits and shows the multiplicity of Jewish identities.

After 1933, the situation of Jewish artists and their clients changed abruptly. Munich Jews were systematically deprived of their rights and persecuted. Many of the portraits shown survived with family members in exile and had long been forgotten in Munich.

Curators: Bernhard Purin s. A. and Lara Theobalt in cooperation with Yuval Schneider
Exhibition Architecture: Architect Martin Kohlbauer

An exhibition of the Jewish Museum Munich


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Duration of exhibition

May 15th, 2024 – March 2nd, 2024


Levels 1 and 2


Bernhard Purin s. A. and Lara Theobalt


Yuval Schneider


Architect Martin Kohlbauer

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Regular Tour of the exhibition (in German)


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Schau hin! Bilder erzählen Geschichten. Rundgang für Schuklassen ab der der 3. Klasse
Beyond the Canvas. Jüdische Identitäten im Porträt. Rundgang für Schulklassen ab der 8. Klasse


Exhibition view "Picture Stories. Portraits of Munich Jews", photo: Eva Jünger / Jewish Museum Munich
Exhibition view ""Picture Stories. Portraits of Munich Jews" - several portraits hang side by side in an exhibition room in shades of pink, large blow-ups reflect the motif of the pictures, photo: Eva Jünger / Jewish Museum Munich
Exhibition view "Picture Stories. Portraits of Munich Jews", photo: Eva Jünger / Jewish Museum Munich
Exhibition view "Picture Stories. Portraits of Munich Jews" - a bust in the foreground and two portraits in the background hang side by side in an exhibition room in shades of pink, large blow-ups reflect the motif of the portraits, photo: Eva Jünger / Jewish Museum Munich
Exhibition view "Picture Stories. Portraits of Munich Jews", photo: Eva Jünger / Jewish Museum Munich
Exhibition view "Picture Stories. Portraits of Munich Jews" - several portraits hang side by side in an exhibition room in shades of yellow, large blow-ups reflect the motif of the portraits, photo: Eva Jünger / Jewish Museum Munich
Exhibition view "Picture Stories. Portraits of Munich Jews", photo: Eva Jünger / Jewish Museum Munich
Exhibition view "Picture Stories. Portraits of Munich Jews" - several portraits hang side by side in an exhibition room in shades of yellow, large blow-ups reflect the motif of the portraits, there are also some busts in the room, photo: Eva Jünger / Jewish Museum Munich
"Der Eltern Stütze", Stanislaus Bender, before 1919, reference in the permanent exhibition, photo: Eva Jünger / Jüdisches Museum München
Exhibition view with study for the painting "Der Eltern Stütze", Stanislaus Bender, before 1919, reference in the permanent exhibition with yellow blow-up on the wall, photo: Eva Jünger, © Jüdisches Museum München

In our pop-up gallery, visitors of all ages can draw their own portraits and be included in the exhibition.

Children and families can explore the exhibition by following their own tour.



The exhibition catalog

A boy in a sailor suit, a lady in a beret and with huge puffed sleeves, a rabbi with an open prayer book. In its exhibition entitled “Picture Stories. Portraits of Munich Jews,” the Jewish Museum Munich shows well-known and forgotten faces and asks: Who had their portrait painted by whom? How did they want to be seen? What kind of person did they want to represent? The works from the 19th and early 20th centuries tell of the self-image of Jewish families in Munich and their contribution to urban society up until their persecution by the Nazis, and reveal the diversity of Jewish identities. Many of the portraits in Munich and the stories behind them have long since been forgotten. 

With contributions by Andrea Bambi | Monika Berthold-Hilpert | Lilian Harlander | Ulrike Heikaus  | Diana Oesterle | Yuval Schneider | Beate Thalberg | Lara Theobalt | Sapir von Abel | Ayleen Winkler

ISBN 978-3-95565-643-0